Collision Repair
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Collision Repair Technology is an instructional program designed to prepare students for entry level into the
Collision Repair and Refinishing trade. Upon completion of this program, the students
should be prepared for beginning positions as body, frame, and refinish technicians.
Students will be provided theory and practical repair and refinish work beginning
with basic applications and progressing on to heavy collision repairs requiring major
body and frame alignment and panel replacement.
The instruction includes all phases necessary to teach collision repair including glass replacement, welding, and replacement of hardware and trim items, cosmetics and structural repairs.
- A.A.S. Degree
- Technical Certificate
- Career Certificate
- College Credit Certificate
ABT 1146 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND DAMAGE REPAIR I–A course to provide skills and practice in welding and cutting procedures that are used in the collision repair industry. This course also covers the complete inspection and nonstructural analysis of damage vehicles. It is designed to enable the student to determine the conditions and severity of the damage, the repair or replacement of parts, the estimated repair time, and correct use of reference manuals. (6sch: 3 hr. lecture, 6 hr. lab)
ABT 1153 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND DAMAGE REPAIR II–This is a continuation of Structural Analysis and Damage Repair I. This course provides instruction and practice in the removal and installation of glass. (3sch: 2hr. lecture, 2 hr. lab)
ABT 1223 NON-STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND DAMAGE REPAIR I-A course in the procedures and practices for metal finishing and body filling. This course also covers the complete inspection and nonstructural analysis of damaged vehicles. It is designed to enable the student to determine the conditions and severity of the damage, the repair or replacement of parts, the estimated repair time, and correct use of reference manuals. (3sch: 2hr. lecture, 2 hr. lab)
ABT 1236 NON-STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND DAMAGE REPAIR II-This course is a continuation of Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair I. This course provides instruction for preparation principles and practices. (6 sch. 3 hr. lecture, 6 hr. lab)
ABT 1313 REFINISHING I -- A course designed to provide skills and practices in vehicle preparation, cleaning, sanding, metal treatment, and masking. Included is determining imperfections in paint jobs. Emphasis is placed upon personal safety and environmental concerns. (3 sch. 1 hr. lecture, 4hr. lab)
ABT 1323 REFINISHING II –Continuation of Refinishing I. Included are types of paint defects and paint gun application and maintenance procedures. (3sch: 1 hr. lecture, 4 hr. lab)
ABT 1443 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS I - A course designed to provide theory and practice in the areas of restraint systems, cooling systems, and air conditioning/heating systems. An introduction to small business management techniques as applied to the collision repair shop, includes computerized information and record systems. Also included are financial responsibilities, ship layout, inventory, and employee-employer relations (3 sch. 3 hr.)
ABT 1453 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL COMPONENTS II --A continuation. A course designed to provide theory and practice in the areas of brakes and electrical (3sch: 3 hr. lecture, 3 hr. lab)
ABT 2163 STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND DAMAGE REPAIR III – This course is a continuation of Structural Analysis and Damage Repair II. This course provides the procedures and practices for frame inspection and repair. (3sch: 2hr. lecture, 2 hr. lab)
ABT 2243 NON-STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS AND DAMAGE REPAIR III – This course is a continuation of Non-Structural Analysis and Damage Repair II. This course provides instruction for outer body panel repair, replacement, and adjustment principles and practice. (3sch: 2hr. lecture, 2 hr. lab)
ABT 2336 REFINISHING III – A continuation of Refinishing II with emphasis on advanced painting techniques including paint mixing, matching, and applying. (6sch: 2 hr. lecture, 8 hr. lab)
Helpful Links
- Office of Career Tech
- Mission & Core Values
- Pathways
- National Technical Honor Society
- Automotive Technology
- Barbering
- Brick, Block and Stone Masonry
- Business & Office Related Technology
- Carpentry
- Collision Repair
- Commercial Truck Driving
- Cosmetology
- Culinary Arts
- Early Childhood Development Technology
- Electrical Technology
- HVAC and Refrigeration
- Industrial Maintenance Trades
- Welding & Cutting Technology
Contact Information
Advisor: E. Johnson
Phone: 662. 621.4213
Counselor: M. Gatewood
Phone: 662.621.4849